DNS The Necessary Teacher Training College
The Idea behind the DNS Education
Eduardo DNS 2012DNS intends to train teachers to become mind, body and soul 21st Century operatives and progressive partners for a dream - the dream for Solidary Humanism.
DNS sees the teacher as a trained contributor to the progressive development in her or his country.
The DNS education is designed for the would-be teacher to gradually realize, develop and refine her talents. To live a full life in the college, on the travel, in the European city, in the schools and among all its flowering people.
DNS is applying modern software such as the latest experiences from pedagogy and philosophy, cosmology and microbiology as well as those of literature, the arts and politics and hardware such as the personal computer, other digital instruments and automotive vehicles.
The DNS Teacher Training focuses on bringing the would-be teacher to excel.
DNS is training the DNS-students to understand and probe future use of historical and acquaints her with a holistic world view.
The would-be teacher will be trained in connecting to children and youth. They are of today. They are in dire need of becoming organized in a world of fun and freedom, childhood and livelihood, playfulness and thoughtfulness and so much more, all deserved just because of being who they are.
The DNS teacher is expected to excel in bringing it all to them, a task so overwhelming that it takes a DNS teacher training college to supply the tools, heart, knowledge, wisdom and courage to cross the borders into a future of Solidary Humanism.
With all of the above foundation stated, we add personal liberation of the individual student from the effects of cultural imperialism´s element of oppression and alienation. A liberation both as a function of own achievements as a student, as exemplified in diligence in the studies, immersion in their contents and forms, and as a function of the progressive network among the students, their teacher and the people around the teacher training college in general, and finally a liberation as a function of collective phenomena and inspiration at the college and in the local, national and not least global world surrounding it.
Eduardo DNS 2012DNS intends to train teachers to become mind, body and soul 21st Century operatives and progressive partners for a dream - the dream for Solidary Humanism.
DNS sees the teacher as a trained contributor to the progressive development in her or his country.
The DNS education is designed for the would-be teacher to gradually realize, develop and refine her talents. To live a full life in the college, on the travel, in the European city, in the schools and among all its flowering people.
DNS is applying modern software such as the latest experiences from pedagogy and philosophy, cosmology and microbiology as well as those of literature, the arts and politics and hardware such as the personal computer, other digital instruments and automotive vehicles.
The DNS Teacher Training focuses on bringing the would-be teacher to excel.
DNS is training the DNS-students to understand and probe future use of historical and acquaints her with a holistic world view.
The would-be teacher will be trained in connecting to children and youth. They are of today. They are in dire need of becoming organized in a world of fun and freedom, childhood and livelihood, playfulness and thoughtfulness and so much more, all deserved just because of being who they are.
The DNS teacher is expected to excel in bringing it all to them, a task so overwhelming that it takes a DNS teacher training college to supply the tools, heart, knowledge, wisdom and courage to cross the borders into a future of Solidary Humanism.
With all of the above foundation stated, we add personal liberation of the individual student from the effects of cultural imperialism´s element of oppression and alienation. A liberation both as a function of own achievements as a student, as exemplified in diligence in the studies, immersion in their contents and forms, and as a function of the progressive network among the students, their teacher and the people around the teacher training college in general, and finally a liberation as a function of collective phenomena and inspiration at the college and in the local, national and not least global world surrounding it.
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DNS The Necessary Teacher Training College
Skorkaervej 8, 6990 Ulfborg
Tel: +45 21 12 43 60
E-mail: [email protected]
Web: www.dns-tvind.dk